Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vista Drivers For Extigy

the imposing Krak des Chevaliers

In a weekend of little trips to Syria I visited two sites that I loved. On the one hand, going to Tartous, near the Mediterranean and even further from the border with Lebanon, is the Krak des Chevaliers, on the other, closer to Damascus and the desert, the monastery of Deir Mar Musa. Today I am telling you first, and it will delight you with Deir Mar Musa another day;)

The Krak des Chevaliers (Castle of the Knights, or Crac de los Caballeros) is a fortification built in 1031 for the emir of Aleppo and occupied by Crusaders end of that century, during the First Crusade, until the left to continue his journey to Jerusalem.

The Knights Hospitallers were its next tenants. The reconstructed by and enlarged, and reached more than 2.000 people live in it. Their stores for food and animals were such that it believes could have survived for five years at an enemy site.

The Crac is considered an example of perfection when it comes medieval fortifications. In fact, never was besieged with success and only fell into enemy hands when the occupants were deceived.

was Baibars who devised the plan that brought down the Hospitallers, forged a letter from the commander of the Crusaders in Tripoli asking his men to surrender, and they did. It was precisely Baibars who turned the chapel into a mosque Crac, perhaps the only evidence that the crash was not only occupied by Christians.

I telling you all this when in fact what I meant was that the crash is a small wonder. Is extremely well preserved, especially considering that almost a thousand years ago it was built. I would define it as the castle with the kids dream of when they think of the knights and their fights. When you play with swords, whether plastic or wood. The castle in which girls believe princesses, and wait in the tower for her prince.

do not know if any women ever lived in the Crac or if it was only the cross, but there is a tower called "Tower of the King's daughter." Husban I do not mind waking up in the morning here and have a view as you see then on the other side of my window.

already said Lawrence of Arabia, this is probably "the crusader castle in the world more beautiful."

* Photos taken by the elf, except

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lupus Treatment More Condition_symptoms

I saw a dervish show that has left me stunned and completely fascinated. Until then knew nothing about them, and actually thought it was a simple dance. If you give me 5 minutes I can tell you some interesting and the most basic details and surprising.

Dervishes are Muslim Brotherhood members of a Sufi branch, the most mystical (respect, tolerance and love) and ascetic (indifferent to material possessions as well as the pleasure and comfort mainly for religious reasons).

generally known for their sacred dance in which the rhythm of sentences and the constant repetition of the name Allah-la-ha illa illa 'llah - the dervishes spin to go into a trance, to attain union with God, the fusion of everything. Always rotate from right to left, mimicking the movement of the stars in the universe, as well as circulating blood around the heart.

And it writes Berta Gomez, movement is the essence of life, is his constant. From atoms to planets passing through the human life and its circumstances. And that movement is usually circular, not only by the tendency to complete cycles but because of their tendency to over. So if you want participate in the universal power of the methods is turning.

Some people say also that as in many chemical experiments applying a rapid rotary motion to separate some materials - or components, of others. In this case is used to separate conscious and surface mystical.

During the dance, trance or search, symbolic positions suited hands: the raised right palm outward, toward God, who gives us the goods. The left hand faces the ground, the earth, first to acquire wealth and sustainability, on the other to convey the gifts and gifts of God to humanity. The Darvich thus become transmission axes.

But movements are not only symbolic, is everything here. Even the hat they wear, which represents the need to curb their egos because only then can connect with God and the universe. The skirt is on one side a representation of a shroud that surrounds an inert body, on the other the sky.

addition, there is always a master and it symbolizes the sun. There are times when it just sits in pie, en el centro del círculo, mientras sus discípulos giran a su alrededor como los planetas y el sol. Él es otro eje.

Cabe destacar que aunque su baile se ha convertido en espectáculo, sólo lo es para el público. Los derviches en general aseguran no ser conscientes de la presencia del público mientras giran, y añaden que no pueden meditar ni concentrarse si reconocen la presencia de otros mientras giran. De hecho mientras bailan su mirada parece perdida en el horizonte, o tal vez al contrario, muy dentro de ellos mismos. Y es que el giro busca entre otras cosas el éxtasis, la comunión con dios, y esto va mucho beyond the mere spectacle, which they do for themselves, not to the public.

Indeed, it is possible that the viewer into a trance with the dervishes. If I had been surrounded by fewer people and less light, no doubt occurred to me hubises me.

* Photos taken by the elf, except the second

Monday, August 16, 2010

Chronic Depression More Condition_symptoms

Rotary Dervishes The Golan Heights Damascus Concert

You get to Kuneitra and suddenly think you're in 1974 and Israel has just left the city and villages of this tiny area of \u200b\u200bGolan, who served 7 years before the war of six days. Today is the NICU town in the area that the Syrian government has not rebuilt. And is that the Israelites destroyed and collapsed just everything they could before leaving.

is chilling.

two buildings remain standing, and a half: a church and hospital (Remaining external walls and some interior wall and steps and floors - it must be remembered that hospitals are not attacked areas in case of war) is half the mosque, whose minaret can be climbed to see the sights of what appears to have been an earthquake, or even after a powerful bomb.

is chilling.

Otherwise everything is completely destroyed. It is sad and surprising, but it is especially disturbing to see the roofs of houses torn down to ground level, walls with so many bullet holes that look like a sieve.

is chilling.

no doubt that the Government has decided to leave the city and, in such a shocking state, is a political strategy recalling that what can the neighbor and the enemy, the murderer. Syrians also reminded that there are many people and many Syrians still locked in the rest of the Golan Heights which Israel occupied since 1967.

And the area has key strategic importance to Israel: first reaches an altitude of almost 3.000 meters, which can easily monitor the surrounding areas; the other has the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee Yarnuk River, which provide Israel with between 15 and 30% of water consumed. It also represents a high percentage of its agriculture.

Syria will never sign a peace treaty with Israel until it is returned to its territory, and seeing how they left Kuneitra is clear that I support them.

 * Photos taken by the elf

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Galeria Sportowa Gimnazjum

in Europe, 2006.

Human Reproduction has released for free the latest report of the results of assisted reproduction treatment Europoa corresponding to 2006.

can download by clicking here.

includes data from 32 countries and more than 450,000 cycles of assisted reproduction. Spain is the fifth country in this record in terms of number of cycles of IVF / ICSI after Germany, Italy, UK and Turkey.

The idea behind the review of the report is that Spain has a wide experience in this type of treatment that also comes with excellent results.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mount And Blade Seriel

Cultureta have been a few days in Damascus, and I was able to attend two concerts by local musicians in the Citadel of Damascus, a unique setting, although sound leaves much to be desired.

one hand

Marcel Khalife, Lebanese musician of international renown, this is shown by many awards and prizes he has received in many different countries and more than one hundred concerts outside the region: in Europe, America and Asia.

Marcel has traveled the world defending what they believe: freedom and democracy, and even years living in Paris He is primarily a citizen of the world does not forget his roots. Lebanon runs through his veins, as he says. She sings in Arabic, and although I would have liked to understand the lyrics of their songs is true, as we know the English when music is not necessary to understand the words to capture its meaning and especially its intensity. The Syrian public is not the most vibrant in the world, but more than one occasion managed to put them all standing to sing with him and his band.

is a musician Marcel
peculiar, lute virtuoso started playing very young. His first encounters with music were in the church he accompanied his mother as a child, the voices of Christian choirs, although there is an undeniable influece of Arab and Muslim music in style, and he remembers that marked him as a child the call to prayer of the magnets, the music of which I have spoken here before.

a musician is very involved with the Palestinian struggle, but has no family ties with these people. Was a child when he had his first contact with them, he used way to the conservatory on areas of Palestinian refugees and wondered why they were so poor and why they lived in conditions so deplorable, why so much misery. Then he saw the conflict and very early felt he should contribute in some way to change their fate. He engaged fully with the Palestinian cause and in fact most of their songs are adaptations of one of the greatest Palestinian poets, Mahmoud Darwish.

The second concert I ever attended was that of Lena Shamamyan, Syrian-Armenian singer, young, beautiful, and has an amazing voice! Accompanied by a jazz band, she also defends the rights of Palestinians -But his music is not social like Khalife, and in fact this concert was for them.

Several television cameras recorded their music and live broadcast in Ramallah , the proceeds of the concert are destined for the Palestinian people, and there was also an accompanying Palestinian musician in a couple of songs. From this we had no idea until the show began.

's music Lena is quiet, though his voice transmitted as the most dynamic. It seems incredible that so sweet a face can be so strong.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Piotr Nowakphilosophy

A weekend

Perhaps you wonder what a weekend in Damascus and the truth is that it seems more to a Western country than any Arab or Asian countries I know. Indeed, this is a Mediterranean culture in many ways. For example, the Syrians enjoy spending time with friends and family, and always find time for both.

The nights usually start quietly, the first dinner then smoke a hookah, and then normal: Drinking in bars and nightclubs. I like the terraces are on the roofs, rooftops as they say here using the word American, because the views of the city are wonderful at night, and I like uence of air conditioning and enjoy the evening breeze, when there.

coffees where hookahs are rarely serve alcohol, and the truth is that one thing goes with the other. The hookah pipe is the classical Arabic in which snuff smoking, no drugs, and is quite relaxing, I think it leaves you groggy brain, and is that a pipe is like smoking half a pack of snuff, nonstop, for a couple of hours. Come on, a jewel to health. Here you smoke all over the world, rich and poor, men and women, adults and adolescents (including children !¬¬). However, in the bars and clubs do not serve alcohol if there would be nobody.

Exit in Syria is not cheap, in fact life in general is not cheap, inflation is skyrocketing, and typically pay a ticket entitled to a drink or two alcoholic drinks for about 12 euros. The past weekend we went with a group of friends and we had a reserved table, leaving about 35 euros per person entitled to three cups. Needless to say, these prices only foreigners can afford it and people well. However, in the tiny squirt Drinking alcohol does not know whether to save, to consume more, or a more noble purpose: that people do not get drunk.

Very Mediterranean style, do not expect to find very full bars before midnight. Here is like in Spain, it always seems too soon to quit, and even earlier to get home to sleep. I have not entirely clear at what time do you close the site because I have never been so close, and that I am not accustomed to these schedules. Would I be doing more?

Women, as I mentioned here before, are arranged much to leave and will undoubtedly take time for it: the perfect hair, makeup, too. But men are no less and are well dressed, as mandated by the label of the clubs and social obligation . Are you someone has to notice. Fashion is very Western, including dresses, heels almost all, some dancers, including jeans, shirts and shoes, no sandals or sports. They are beautiful and very seductive, especially when they dance.

is very normal to see groups of expatriates * more sense, glass in hand, staring at the Syrian dancing, and they seem to like it, I guess that's also why so much effort put to be handsome.

(* In my family, they break out laughing with this term, but can not find a better one because overseas does not connote the same thing. The expatriate is living here, usually for work, while an alien may simply a tourist.)

the Syrians love to dance and do as professionals. Carry the rhythm in the blood, such as Latinos, and have no shame, move quietly around the track and move to the next if it is left. Move your hips like Shakira, of Lebanese origin, but the movement of hands, arms and head makes undeniable part of her dance.

The music is a potpourri , everything but Arabic rhythms and of course hard sauce. Much like the sauce! And for some strange reason I always think that too, but nothing is further from the truth. Also, seeing them them I dare not try.

Damascus is an extremely safe city and you can walk down the street at any time of day or night, even when you're lonely. Taxis always try timarte if you are abroad, but if you insist a bit use the meter, and then just give them a small tip. Anyway a taxi takes you to opposite side of the city for three euros.

So if one day you decide to come to Syria, be sure to save some energy for the evening, you'll need! But do not worry, the mornings spend weekends sleeping, and I recognize that this has cost me not get used!