Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Gifts Do Stroke Victims Like

theocratic Comments: 'Why this blog, I will start again Bible Studies and attend meetings of TJ '

I usually respond to comments at the entrance that are left, but sometimes get comments that deserve its own entry as it has done on other occasions .
And recently I received one, which I would respond in this post. Of course, most of these are left anonymously, and are published come as they come, is a freedom that are allowed, although many blogs Witnesses do not allow us to us. Then the comment (emphasis added) which was left in the entry " Campaign for truth The commemoration of the Lord's Supper of the Jehovah's Witnesses "only I can correct some" slips "spelling to avoid damaging the eyes of the reader and I'll respond by parts.

Well the truth I do not usually post comments in the network and less on questions of religion, I like long Anonymous walked away from the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. When reading here so much nonsense and so much distorted by a fanatical "religious" made me reflect and thank him again begin Bible studies and return to attend the meetings, after searching in other religions and not see find peace and true brotherhood. From my experience with other churches is that saw the hypocrisy and bigotry end. Although I attended at the Kingdom Hall, I married a Catholic woman, and that does not receive any pressure or my family or anyone in the congregation because my wife was not a Jehovah's Witness, even many of the hall were attending my wedding and reception without buts or recriminations or anything.
The person who created this site to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses misinformation and false witnesses for the little that I have read. He expresses that his wife is "detoxified" of TJ, that penalty has been detoxified of truth.

this blog If you've decided to study with Jehovah's Witnesses, first of all let me congratulate you (and eye, I'm not being sarcastic), because even if it is not the purpose of this site you've decided to revisit them offers an excellent opportunity to correct the mistake you made in the past when you began to study with them (at the end of the entrance I will elaborate a little more about it I say).
I have is hard to say with certainty that you are a baptized Witness sincerely doubt it, (please correct me if I'm wrong) and could be why you have allowed many freedoms and indulgences you mention (stay away from the organization, apparently without any problems, your relationship with your wife is now and what you say, it is still Catholic, that many witnesses were present at the wedding, etc)
Now if you search for "peace" in other Relion (including Jehovah's Witnesses), then and there we go wrong, because the only true peace comes from our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:27, 16:33, Rom. 5:1) . If you are looking for "brotherhood", of course, that will not deny it, the witnesses some great "brotherhood", myself I can vouch for it ... provided they belong to this religion, because the day you decide to leave, or be banned, even disagree on some teaching of "slave" or disagree with them and expose and share with your siblings (if you allow the elderly), regardless if you are right and they no, that day will end for you the "honeymoon" and the "brotherhood" that both preach and pride is over.
I say "uninformed and give false testimony, first of all, I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses, I do not doubt the quality of people who are, know there are people who seek God's way sincere, unfortunately, from my point of view, only fall prey to an illusion, because they have been led to believe belonging to the "one true organization of Jehovah", when really, just follow a small group of men (Governing Body) who tell them what to believe Siqueiros remain "miembos approved" in the congregation.

Anyway, continue with your comment:
Just to give some examples of questions presented to reply.
1 - times starting in 1914 can be counted by the facts shown in the Bible, you just need a calculator and you'll do reach 1914.
1914, the number, year and interpretation on which rests all the authority of this religion the year according to the Watchtower began the "invisible presence" of Christ. Now, I do not intend to make this rather extensive, so I'm going to propose this, we will assume that his teaching about the year 1914 or the invisible presence of Christ, as you say and believe is right, ok? That is, we assume also that education itself is revealed in the Bible, my question is:

- If teaching about the year 1914 is correct and is taught in the Bible, why not taught and preached from that year (1914 onwards)?, indeed, did you know that is until the late years , 1943 (no fewer than 29 years later) when they began to teach and to note the 1914 date as taught today?
Do not believe me? Let's see what the Proclaimers book says:

Mr. Barbour, editor of that publication, Russell persuaded to believe that Christ's invisible presence had begun in 1874 .*
- Proclaimers, 1993, pg. 133.
The footnote on page says:

*... In 1943 was published in English a clearer understanding of the chronology Bible in the book "The truth shall make you free", which was further refined following year in the book "The kingdom is at hand" as well as in subsequent publications.
Notice how this error called a "clearer understanding", "refinement"? That is, from 1914 until 1942 (29 years) were taught that the "invisible presence of Christ" had begun in 1874 and not 1914 as they teach today. And they did not believe this, was expelled for apostasy, just as you would be today if you do not believe that the "invisible presence" of Christ began in 1914. I follow your comment:

2 - 144.000 the other should be taken literally as the number also mentions a lamb. Jesus is the lamb and is only one, if 1 can be taken literally believe that also 144.000.
To answer this, I emphasize the following that may not know, throughout the Bible, including the NWT, there are only two verses which mention the 144,000. (Revelation 7:4 and 14:1-3).

I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred forty-four thousand , sealed from every tribe of the children of Israel. (Rev. 7:4)
Do you notice that the verse speaks of the 144,000, but also tells us who are ? if we take the 144,000 literal, as you say, should not take too literally the words "ALL THE TRIBE OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL" since both are in the same verse? If you read the following verses (5-8), to tell us what are tribes of Israel or is it that we can take a verse of the literal and the other not? The next verse of Revelation 14:1-3 refers also to the same 144,000.


3 - is mentioned in the Bible that also saw a large crowd could not tell, here's an example that there would be another group apart from the 144.000.
Very true what you say, there is a large crowd, the Watchtower teaches that living in a paradise earth, not in heaven because this is only for the 144,000, again, you know where the Bible says is this great crowd?

After these things I saw, and, look!, a large crowd, which no man could number, of all nations and tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb , dressed in long white robes, and had palm branches in their hands. (Rev. 7:9)
The Bible tells us this "great crowd" is "standing before the throne and before the Lamb," and where is this kingdom? Is it not in heaven? See also later confirmed Rev. 7:14-15. But if you still think that these verses are not clear enough, look what it says the following:

After these things I heard what was like a loud of a great crowd in heaven ... , (Revelation 19:1)
I still ...

I'm not much studied in the Bible but thanks to the author to get better and then I'll get you answers to your questions or concerns. As I said before I walked away from the Jehovah's Witnesses and I regret having done so and just did it out of laziness and not because I did not like the atmosphere of brotherhood.

A final question, which is mentioned in the Bible that there will be a rapture??
Do not worry, I do not consider myself to be a "studied the Bible," but at least investigate what the Bible I learn (not to publications that claim to be based on the Bible), and I simply do not accept no reason what I say.

Regarding the abduction (or rapture) You can read the following article I published some time talking about this in " The Rapture, will be the first in history? " but I hope shortly to publish another article for expanding the response to this question, it is an issue that requires at least an article to hand to explain. Do you agree?

Again Thanks to the author for making me see the truth and take the welcome decision to return to the meetings.
Well, as I mentioned in my earlier answer, this is an excellent opportunity for you to not make the same mistake they made all Jehovah's Witnesses, which is to begin studying with Jehovah's Witnesses on the premise that they believe that the Watchtower Society is Jehovah's organization "because once they come to believe this, anything they read in their publications they believe, whether true or not, to this end, we propose to make an objective study of the history of this movement on your own, because if they are the "God's organization, its history must be proof of this, do not you think? If you want you can start here:

seek the truth, as the Bible says by inspiration of the Lord " will know the truth and the truth will set you free "
Jesus is the only way, truth and my dear life (John 14:6), not a religion, much less a human organization on earth.

God bless you, if you want you can ask them the questions you've raised here's Witnesses when you study with them, and reasonable answers, fill with a lot of attention, and do not accept evasive, you might be surprised what hear.
Thanks for commenting.


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