As many know, the Company is selling betel kingdom halls in different countries and taking the money they worked so hard to Jehovah's Witnesses paid with their effort, donations in cash, jewelry and goods, which has been being billed for years by the JHK blog friend, and as it says in the entry "They close the Bethel of Ireland? So where will the pasta? :
"Therefore, we are undergoing a process of v enta global equity and back to those who have put din ero for the purchase of all such property. When I say back, I mean without talking to publishers and in many cases with total or very little information to stakeholders. The lack of transparency of information is almost total. Much of what is known, is due to international apostate movement, a bit of information here and another bit from there. "Of course, many witnesses, far from even giving the benefit of the doubt this news will tear their hair out and rant against all of us, "apostates" leaving all kinds of curses and insults (as if we were we were removing the rooms) because they do not realize is the "faithful slave and discreet "who is behind all these sales and taking the money in front of their eyes, and without giving notice anything.
Well, a few months ago, I came across the blog of Bruno Gómez, and had the opportunity to exchange some remarks with him, until I asked a very polite to stop commenting on her blog, (it seems be that not very interested in defending the organization, despite he mentioned in his blog personal data was 'defending the organization of elements apostates').
The point is that this week issued a "claim" to the Governing Body because it was the turn to them, sell the Assembly Hall where he attends now, and the Governing Body, gives them no explanation, as Bruno himself mentions (emphasis mine):
"The Company is making some changes that I think the Governing Body should be aware that you must tell the brothers to stand up and explain the reason for quick sales classrooms. would be very nice report that they are trying to sell to make more new shows due to increased capacity, as before. You have to let a little secret because it will not be not afraid. "That my dear, you've hit the mark, and that's precisely what many claim and require the Governing Body (including who we affectionately called "apostates"), have put money, effort, give maintenance, care, paint it, use it, and is "Faithful and Discreet Slave" and "unexplained sell 'and take all the money! ... and in full "surge"? Does this make sense? Or perhaps they are not telling the truth in that there is "raise"? Let's not take a PhD to realize the situation: there is increasing: + rooms, no increase or decrease is: - Banquet.
course, if we say the "apostates", they call us "bitter", "liars" or "we are dominated by Satan", but in this case, says a Jehovah's Witness! and has every reason in the world to make this claim (indeed, I join you and give my full support because they do not sell the Assembly Hall) since the end of the day you have paid for. But how can you call that? What makes the difference that now are you who you say? Sea event, and as expected, the secrecy and opacity reemerges among the Witnesses, and one of its readers and has recommended that "these comments were made behind closed doors", and it seems that Bruno, has been ignored because the entry has been removed from your blog , but bring them here in full (click to enlarge):

see, is there not to be so dogmatic?, Truth eventually comes out is only a matter of time ... And the truth shall make you free "said the Master.
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