Monday, May 16, 2011

How Much It Cost For A Drivers License


The 2:50 am and you get to thinking occurs. Leave the apartment window ajar for bathing the gray tones of the environment, you settle the best that is possible with a cushion lethargic, throw a couple of sighs at the ceiling and log into your drawer and never secret. And talk, and I do think that someone will be more than willing to lend his ear, out of curiosity or boredom, perhaps accidentally. Someone to watch what you write, and perhaps disguise the eternal quest of minds, more or less wisdom, shrewdness and virtue, are complementary. One no longer writes, assuming that cries out there that unless you furnish whatever reward sought. All hope, or hope to achieve our success and accomplish our mission with every word defined launched into the air. And those principles that we are jumping, passion, intimate moment in which one decides to take paper and pencil to talk to himself sometimes, like now, I come to mind as an old woman scolding for not letting me sleep.

are 3:07 am
h. Once again I was sleepless and I assume those who are vulnerable to the other side of the drawer no longer secrets. So who cares about this, but me? Perhaps in the end, but by foot, not as exciting or as liberating, not so revolutionary not so good for the other one is bare his soul in public. Do you sometimes not even pretentious? Wonder ...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dunk Tank Building Plans

presumptuous, but united

Oscar Wilde said that "the working classes have no choice but to set a good example." And that's what today, May 15, 2011, has occurred in Spain: demonstration by a real democracy.

There are seven days for municipal elections and "we are not five or six" those who today have taken the streets of major cities in Spain to cheer "for a democracy real ".
For the first time, young people, called by social networks, independently and completely apolitical, we have gone through the most important routes to 50 cities are drums, organized, peaceful and with a smile drawn on our faces. Today we said "enough" with elegance, wisdom and commitment.

marches in general and Granada in particular have been developed with the intention of yelling those above that citizens "are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers." To the sound of percussion and samba, children, Students, young workers, adults and the elderly have shown that there are still forces and intelligence to curb market abuse: "We will not pay for your crisis" was heard repeatedly.

All together, regardless of race or ideology and in a way that at least made me feel proud, we heard the beginning of the manifesto written by the platform "real democracy as:" Some of us believe more liberal, others conservative. Some believers, some not. Some have well-defined ideology, others consider ourselves apolitical. But we are all concerned and outraged by the political, economic social and that we see around us. Through the corruption of politicians, businessmen, bankers and the helplessness of ordinary people. "

The public is outraged, and remember the reasons set in the document:

- The government should be of the people and their functions should be to "bring our voice to the institutions, facilitating the political participation of citizens through direct channels that provide the greatest benefit to the wider society , not to get rich and prosper at our expense ".

obsolete and unnatural "The current economic model" social machinery crashes into a spiral that consumes itself by enriching a few and is sinking into poverty and limited the rest. Until the collapse. "

- The will and purpose of the system is the accumulation of money, take precedence over efficiency and welfare of society. Wasting resources, destroying the planet, creating unemployment and unhappy consumers.

- Citizens are part of the cog in a machine designed to enrich a minority who does not know our needs. We are anonymous, but without us none of this would exist, as we move the world.

- If as a society learn not to trust our future to an abstract economic returns which never benefits the most, we can eliminate the abuses and shortcomings that we all suffer.

- Ethics Revolution is needed. We put money above human being and when we have to our service. We are people, not products on the market. I am not only what I buy, why they buy and who to buy it.

I leave, ending with a video of the moment granaína anecdotal progress. Although the tour ended at the Town Hall Square, the authorities stopped the protesters too soon crossing route for the procession of the Virgen del Rosario and some "anti system" (so named in most media conventional) starred in this scene:

The people are angry, definitely, but today proved he still remains attached. We all know that revolutions must come from those who eat all day, hence the guilt of many intellectuals who look the other way. But today defended us all. Only a brave people are able to get his longed to live in freedom and publicly reject the corruption and vice of their masters. Today in Spain in general and in Granada in particular, gave a clear message: the battle has begun.

Follow coverage on Twitter by clicking HERE
official website of "real democracy and" HERE

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Myamee Does Her Own Hair

Anything goes when you have the desire to be a mother

journalist Marisa Brel Argentina, has recently published the book "I'm going to be a mother, despite everything" a daily of life designed to accompany women to be introduced in the way of assisted fertilization. Back is an ectopic pregnancy and six attempted assisted fertilization through before finally getting pregnant.

Read more

Melatonin Cipralex Interaction

Until recently many hid their children who were born in vitro fertilization

Dr. Thomas Mathews
In 1978 came the world's first baby born through in vitro fertilization. The doctors Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe made it possible, not without many difficulties, this miracle of science that last year earned him the Nobel Prize in Medicine to Robert Edwards (Steptoe died in 1988). Both doctors founded the Bourn Hall Clinic , near Cambridge, now directed by Dr. Thomas Mathews and which in recent years thousands of children were born. Dr. Mathews recently visited Spain and made statements as interesting as the options of getting pregnant are so low over the 43 years than in the cases between 44 and 49 recommend the use of oocyte donation or that until recently children born through These techniques are hiding how they had been born.
can read the press release here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Excessive Flatulence More Condition_symptoms

The reconquest of America

Chilean Patagonia.

"When you cut the last tree, the last river is polluted and fish the last fish, you will realize that money can not eat." Anonymous.

Angel Parra, video of the "Patagonia without dams"

to me I drop my head in shame when I read that 20,000 Chilean brothers will have to demonstrate on Thursday to prevent the English hidoreléctrica Endesa, with clear and irresponsible government of Chile consent, destroy 10,000 hectares of ours, and tell us, most important fresh water reserve: Patagonia. Have we ever stopped trying to conquer America?

The only thing left is to leave here the trailer of the documentary of the campaign "Patagonia without dams" that explains everything, sweating for many years to prevent the destruction of our most important source of life these days is making a last and important effort, if you will consistent, the English themselves can support our firm clicking HERE Some of our most prominent organizations such as Greenpeace , have already joined.

"The Earth is not for sale, or employers or governments.
The Earth belongs to everyone and to no one" Angel Parra.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Christian Thank You Quotes


On 17 May is the Internet Day and this time is what we celebrate their contribution to maintenance of universal human rights. And perhaps nobody better to speak of this relationship Daniel González, head of Internet and Social Media NGO Save the Children and whom I had the pleasure of interviewing for the network Guadalinfo during the Jerez Social Media Meeting.

"I see the situations that have occurred in Tunisia, Egypt and some other countries and it is clear that social networks have played a very important, but do not forget: if they are a tool, but more important still being the will and desire to change the world we have the people themselves. "

Here's the rest:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Card Verse For 21 Year Old

Internet and a tour to Latin America in 180 days

absolute collaboration with my partner Alma Toranzo, a journalist specializing in international relations and countries of South and Eastern cinema.

Axé, Yoruba language, means "positive energy" or "life force." Is the name of a genre typical of Bahia, a common African liquor in northeastern Brazil and the nickname of the man and forever friend Alma and I met on our arrival in Recife and that before telling you a experiences most poignant of our return to Latin America in a new favela, I present you:


"Mixing cachaça (the main ingredient) with cloves, sweet grass, ginger and honey, moving to the rhythm of reggae and putting a lot of strength. So get Axé, African drink means positive energy, the same that characterizes the Brazilian and know transimtir with such joy. "

Recife-Olinda Brazil.

met Axé (Ronaldo English), just leave the bags in a remote board. The parties pre carnavelescas Color Most Brazilian cities Recife and organized a series of concerts and shows in its main square. Continuing with our dynamic traveler decided to wait for a craftsman to bring us in those streets, but who redeemed us from the night this time was this 24 year old African American, heart and impeccable salesman, then, this drink aphrodisiac.

"Axé, axé, axé, "he shouted. And curiosity we could. Thus, distorted sense of both alcohol and sweet dancing in our blood, Ronaldo told us who grew up in the slums of the city, the same, and left behind , which came every week to teach percussion in a school with an open target key culture to combat social problems. And the next day took us.

I remember the bittersweet glances between Alma and me on the bus when ever, could be further from the city up the hill. We thought without telling us the same thing: "But carahio is leading us where? ". But Ronaldo's eyes shone excited, grateful and touched by what he, too, was going on. And the peace we both came together.

And, that treacherous myths is a reality that one experiences when visiting the real guts of a Brazilian favela. I feel the same when Zoid welcomed us at his home in Salvador de Bahia, as I told in another chapter, but this time the emotions were very different and perhaps considerably more humane.

PHOTO 2. On the way to the police favela fans gathers local football team after trouble at the stadium.

PHOTO 3. Municipal school entrance Aufranio Godoy, in Alto Santa Terezinha.

Far from being attacked, robbed or incited to drug use, the ride through the narrow crevices of the side went smoothly entering the night. Alto de Santa Terezinha in life was on the street. Its inhabitants shared their good energy when we arrived to the sound of samba and reggae, regardless of the hours and responsibilities and children, or most of them spent time teaching at the school.

"The concern for children is constant, if not, where were and what they were doing, "Ronaldo told us, CSU school volunteer Aufranio Godoy.

PHOTO 4. African dance class at school.

PHOTO 5. Prepared to rout.

The Centre for Youth and young children between four and 25 years learn to occupy their time and talents in activities such as capoeira, African dance and percussion as an alternative to stay away from drugs, violence and marginality that have international fame to the favelas.

Over twenty volunteer teachers and 300 students meet every day in this space which, in addition to 12 classrooms, soccer field and pool, provides care and counseling to adolescents with substance abuse problems.

"The school also works to eliminate social inequality and to give importance to the people as such, beyond skin color" was telling Axé.

PHOTO 6. Percussion Teachers acclimate dance class.

PHOTO 7. Children in self-defense class.

PHOTO 8. Young urban dance class.

The project, funded by both the government of the State of Pernambuco, Recife is the capital of which, for their own donations of the inhabitants of Santa Terezinha, is focused not only entertainment but also to the awareness of children about issues like violence or racism.

All the neighbors are aware that the favela is a social problem and therefore stay away from his arms crossed, react and take out his own not only through school but through all kinds of associations and social and cultural movements.

PHOTO 9: From the outside, students of urban dance class.

PHOTO 10: Attentive to the teacher's explanations.

But surely, after that wonderful day, there was something that filled my heart with pride: the delicacy with which we were treated to Alma and me. Without any intention of decorating topics, I still feel that visit was hailed as an event special and successful. Any approach to empathy and comfort felt we came returned with love, care and smiles when we left.

always grateful for sharing and exchanging cultures and feelings.

PHOTO 11: Axe, Ronaldo English.

PHOTO 12: Alma and myself with our friends from Santa Terezinha.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Teck Deck Games To Play

Without peace and glory

USA, under the absolute protection of Barack Obama, our recent Nobel Peace Prize, kill Osama bin Laden in an operation in Pakistan. Here, a number of reasons why neither approve nor much less believe, as our Moncloa and other foreign policy gurus "a decisive step" towards more place that is attended by the delay, the inhumanity and of course Any authoritarianism

1. Osama Bin Laden is not dead. Forces have killed U.S. military under orders from Barack Obama.

2. No humans have the authority to take the life of anyone, under any circumstances, for any history with thousands of deaths on the back. Or workers' revolutions, or Nazi ideology or Islamic fanaticism, or independence, or psychotic illnesses, or pickled cauliflower.

3. A democratic state governed by a Democratic Party should have no choice but to make judgments of state, not state crimes. Who would have had the guts to protest against a life sentence for bin Laden?

4. Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize. Does this not make him a political murderer? Wonder ...

5. In the operation, which "have had no choice but to use weapons," had three men and a woman guarding the terrorist. Really United States had no choice?

In summary, I believe in democracy, believe in peace, believe in justice and well done. And here I stay, condemning the attacks on Bin Laden as much as the "end" of history, questionable, without peace and glory.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nauseated More Condition_symptoms

The book "secret" of the elders, 'shepherd the flock of God' KS10, available for download

's new book "Secret of the Ancients has been made available for download all . But why do you say that this book is secret? The book itself states that:

... Everything old named receives a copy. If an elder is discharged, you must give this manual to the Service Committee of the Congregation ... The secretary will keep on file with the congregation to return it if it returns to be named.
Yes, the book is a unique kind of manual for the elderly, is so secret that some Jehovah's Witnesses have never seen, much less read and worse, do not even know of its existence, yet it contains many guidelines for the elderly on how to proceed with most situations to protect the organization , the flock.

It contains topics such as: How is organized

the body of elders, how to name and dismiss the elders and ministerial servants, what to do when a brother named moves to another congregation (yes, Witnesses Lord can not be changed so freely congregate or easily) and what to do when a brother came from another church, when and how to prepare to form a judicial committee, how to distinguish a sincere repentance (yes, they trained to know when you are lying), what to do if you threaten to sue, the treatment of the expellees, the procedure for readmission, and much, much more, but better you know it yourself, and surely their elders never comparirian this information with you.

To download click on the image below:

"shepherd the flock of God" (ks-10)

Thanks for the warning, as some readers had been asking about where to get this book.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Candida Infection More Condition_symptoms

time gypsies never

"Berlusconi police chasing us and destroys our barracks. Sarkozy deport us and we check out of their borders. But in Hungary they are killing us like rabbits." Thus begins a press release signed by Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia, President of Romani Union (Unión del Pueblo Gitano) and MEP racial issues. And I admit to have felt horror when reading to the last of his phrases: "How long, God, we will have to carry this cross?"

The situation of the Roma in Hungary Most alarming, ignoring, of course, the treatment received in other union as France and Italy. The extreme right in the last election winning Hungarian and racists, who hide their status, "he pursued, put fire to our houses and kill our children," they say.

And all this has worsened since the Jobbik far-right party got 17% of the vote and 47 deputies, becoming the third force in the recent parliamentary elections. Jobbik (Movement for a Better Hungary), founded in 2003, is led by Gábor Vona, "a racist move encouraged by the more black and repressive fascism and the Nazi doctrine Hungarians who were friends of Hitler. "

wet rains in Hungary, especially since last year all the alarms were fired by the murder of a gypsy , Róbert Csorba, 27, and his son Robert of five. The authors of the attack perfectly planned murder, while one threw firebombs at the home of a Gypsy family, waited another crouched near the door to shoot the father and son as they tried to escape the flames. "This is not called Nazism?

And the violence continues. The Romani Union has recorded more than 50 attacks of extreme violence. Some others with weapons and Molotov cocktails that cost the lives of several people. The latest attack occurred murderer last November, when two brothers were killed in the town of Nagycsécs, in the east, in the same way they were killed the father and child gypsies.

Paramilitary parading Hungarian Gypsy camps.

"How long, God, we will have to carry this cross?" Look how beautiful!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dirt Bike Theme Birthday

The editors of "La Voz de la Calle" Beggars are enclosed

What was my surprise when I received this message from my former classmate of EFE, Susana Field:

In support of their cause, which no longer that of all journalists and hard workers in times of crisis, you transfer the official announcement of these 50 workers in the information enclosed in drafting La Voz de la Calle to protest the dismissal breach of conditions agreed with Teodulfo Harrier:

"The assembly of workers at La Voz de la Calle has more than a week negotiating with the company for a dignified exit situation following the announcement on April 5 that was canceled out of the newspaper. Having reached a verbal agreement with representatives minimum Teodulfo Family Harrier, principal investor at the time of signature, the company has failed you. The assembly has decided to organize a sit in the drafting of Esplanade Street No. 8 level 4 in protest.

The verbal agreement reached Thursday included the settlement of all outstanding wages and proportional parts of the extra payments and vacations. In addition, older two full salaries would be paid to each employee as compensation. The assembly ratified the agreement yesterday. Today, at the time of the individual signature of these conditions, the company's proposal, forwarded by his lawyer has been lowered substantially, up to two months including clearing wage.

After working on the implementation of this project for periods ranging from seven days to two months depending on each individual case, and without having signed any contract at any time, all workers were dismissed the vague justification of "insurmountable economic difficulties."

More than 40 workers say they have been "victims of a project that was born with a complete lack of foresight," they entered "knowing the risk involved in launching a publication well in these times, but driven by an illusion and an unstoppable journalistic vocation. " The first of the many excuses given the newspaper's management to deprive them of a contract was: "So the company bypasses the expense of Social Security contributions."

address repeatedly assured that the project started with a budget that ensured a year of life and therefore employment. Many journalists left their jobs in other media to embark on this project, as the assembly, "has proven a fraud."

According to a spokesman for the assembly, "or the way they were dismissed, or in who were 'hired' stick to the smallest law, flatly contradict the Statute of Workers and dismantle any of the social achievements of the left in this country over the past 30 years. " They add that "a family left, and in particular Teodulfo Harrier has dealt with his staff" in the worst tradition neoliberal, no contract, no Social Security and absolute contempt towards the figure of the worker. "

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Drug Interactions With Levoxyl


"We need to pass a state law whenever there is sufficient public resources and permissive than the beggars, but required to leave the road. " This was announced by the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, with an exemplary demonstration of irrationality and electoral aesthetics.

The popular, which confirms live in parallel world bureaucrats, claims that local councils, provided they can afford to host, get out "by force" to "homeless in the streets, ignoring their will, their needs and demonstrating their lack of knowledge about the performance and capacity social centers of this country. Putting patches, summary and brazenly broken on that has caused and will cause the banking system in we live and that he, on behalf of his party flag with care.

listened this morning to Jesus Andean responsible care program for homeless people in the NGO Solidarity Development and Javier García Roca, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in an interview granted to National Radio of Spain.

"A decent society should be compassionate to the weak," said the professor. "Such laws violate fundamental rights." The vulnerable and downtrodden when those above, they do not know or ever know what it's like a day without food to several degrees below zero, enter the game of oppression. As if these people did not have enough.

Andina, meanwhile, used to working with people who have no other choice on the street, claimed that when your body calls place in the shelters for these people find themselves with waiting lists that not only last months, but with a maximum stay of three days for each individual: "And nobody wants to be on the street. Another thing is that they want to go to those sites that look like a military barracks, where couples of men and women are separated where they can not take their animals or drink a beer as anyone. "

(Photo by Anthony Leiro Xoán)

My good friend Daniel Chapman, a social worker with extensive experience in dealing with this group, told me in an open debate on Facebook the following:

comment that prompts me to reflect on who, whether there are resources to assist or not, that there is but that would not be used in any way to eradicate poverty, are considered homeless. What does the Royal English Academy?

begging Do what? So, without further? Do you sing? Do you sell crafts, flowers, painting on rounds? Doing mime? We speak of a state law intended to "leave no homelessness," we are not talking only about the victims of our society, which, of course, there should be no other option than to individual ownership of housing, as stated in the Constitution.

far my reflection, I leave with Xoán journalist Anthony Leiro, journalist Reporting of the National Radio of Spain and editor of The Monitor. "

By Anthony Leiro

is difficult to understand, let alone understand, the media hypocrisy and political tightrope numbed by leaps and bounds to the citizens of our beloved pseudosociedad, like a dormant or hibernate question. Will that give us "soma" as in Huxley's novel? Maybe.

This soma is as I wrapped in a populist package. The greeting card is designed by famous magicians of the aesthetic teachings. For the gurus of the image and makeup. Much demagoguery and how little action?.

Makeover, makeup and makeup. We refer to this as a political star star. Alberto Ruiz Gallardon.

Everyone wants to be stars. Judges, politicians, journalists. Based in the error does not realize that the real star is the society, which are due, and now define as "pseudosociedad" because more and more like a mass katatónica dominated by neoliberal values \u200b\u200bof the cult of the individual (hence antialtruista) than the communion of citizens around a common cause of shared commitments.

This proposed ban on begging is so inhumane to ask a child to educate their parents, which unfortunately some cases. How can you ban the end of the day to be on the street?. Is not all the way "public"?.

As so often, we have a problem, we hide. But not solved. The solutions are expensive, highly profitable lures. About drug addicts. About prostitutes. Passes with beggars. Why not try to integrate into society through the labor market?. Is it not better a job as a pharmacist in the vip pass for drug addicts?. Is it not better a job so they can have a "ceiling" own a hostel?. Sounds good to help the disadvantaged, but gentlemen, simply to waste less money on unnecessary official cars, travel in first class (where the political class agree unanimously) or institutional advertising absurd, if the tax burden should cede more capital than labor income, or if transmitiésemos the image in the media and in teaching people to speak and not "beggars" "Whores" or "junkies" could undermine the index of social prejudices and give them at least a chance to find their niche in this imperfect system.

Enough of hypocrisy by politicians on these issues. Out on a photo with Down syndrome children (for instance) and then making it a law of dependence that has never come to be triggered by lack of funds. But the "NGO's bank" will release hundreds of millions of euros at a price of friend. What shall we play?.

cock here

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cystic Ovary Condition_symptoms

Barajas: sociological and anthropological laboratory

Have you ever noticed in how interesting people in airports ? I always thought the Metro was the very best. Paris, London and NY takes the cake, although Madrid also may seem like a circus. But today I was at the Barajas Airport in the Arrivals hall in T1 for one hour and has been when I've realized what's going on in those rooms full of reunions.

When you're in an airport if you fly are you everything is pretty stressful. Run and get to check-in time, pray your suitcase is overweight, now runs pass the security check and as you take your clothes off to make the process shorter, if you are over 10 minutes before boarding paid 8 euros for a coffee, fight with other passengers to board first and then through the hole on the seats to put your hand bag, fight with the passenger beside the arm rests, and the behind to stop you with knees. Oops, I'm going to mess and I hated to travel ....

But I'm in a good mood today I noticed how well, and l sociological and anthropological laboratory it seems the airport . I swear that everything that follows is true and seen today in Barajas

A group of about 50 Chinese (arriving in Beijing) speak loudly. Some sit on benches, others on the ground, some are given pass í cough while still speak loudly. Many eat, his mouth open. Some picks his nose as if I had in gold. I do not know they do here or why not make off to take pictures at the Cibeles or the bear and the tree ...

The first to go are those who have flown first . Have you noticed that these people always comes fresh as a daisy? If it appears to have changed clothes. And what surprises me most is not usually carry much luggage they can carry excess weight of luggage without paying!

Waiting for me there a father, two teenage daughters and a son , perhaps the most with 20, come to pick up his cousin in the U.S.. The children ask "" Dad, you recognize it? "and split with laughter when he says no. Finally, there is the premium and embrace the 4 under the watchful eye of father, I think I seen a crybaby, but mostly big smiles. A nice reunion, yes sir.

A gorgeous aunt with another rare to have white hair almost as much ink. There are few passionate kisses heated to more than one.

South American A man approaches a red jacket that came logically to a minor. Another long hug while the red jacket try to separate them so that you sign some papers, I guess to confirm the "delivery" without taking into account the sentimental moment.

Two girls looking Philippines, the two tiny , as children of 9 years, but faced having lived for many years and even more misery, wear their best galas, so much so that its appearance gives a comic touch, almost grotesque.

Pilot and flight attendants of U.S. Airways have painted 100% American. Captain wearing the cap, the typical Rayban aviator's leather jacket, and the guys who are expecting their first U.S. laugh and commented "looks what Captain pints."

The Thai Airways flight attendants seem mises a beauty contest, or divas of those who saw you as forgiving life. After looking at U.S. Airways, the truth is that I understand they have this big ego.

Another American family with two small children expected grandfather, and when the children cry out " grandfather abuelooo" and pounce on him making a tackle that almost grave. Cry the three as there is even a volunteer to keep pushing his luggage cart.

And speaking of bags, I see at least two couples in which a woman l pushes the cart filled to the brim with suitcases, and her husband walk quietly beside him, hands in his pockets.

also appears the fifties great shift, pushing his cart full of Louis Vitton luggage (would not surprise me that they were fakes), with sunglasses on (It is 8 am) and husband súperpijo at his side.

their fifties, but those who believe that the return to be 18 years old and great body (if they ever did), go talking too loud, laughing in a way labored, as if to say " here we are and we're also great " with its tight tops, short skirts and knee-high boots, still does 25 degrees. Someone has told them that they are now 40 of the 20 before, and calculating then deduced that the 50 of today are like the 30 before .

A couple of men walk through the room without a break, at a slow pace, and dragging their feet and make me nervous, too close to people in general and me in particular. At first I thought that they were heavy but now I think are pickpockets looking to shift clueless.

A small group of hippies that seems to come from Nepal (Nepal do not know why, but put his hand into the fire), very dark, Young, dreadlocked, and very happy .

The classic businessman stuck to your phone, connects a call with another and another and another. All I need to shout " Sell! Sell! "

And of course you can not miss the classic family with his dog waiting for someone very dear because the animal has received a lot of parties and movements tail almost sickening.

then has left the world's most impressive guy, Mr. A of course, looked at me, I smiled, kissed me, and we run away.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Uncontrollable Bladder More Condition_symptoms


Because here I learned that family is most important, so that is where I start mine.

Because many of the best moments of my childhood have this site as a backdrop.
Because my grandfather taught me unconditional love for this place, and since he died I know that maybe is not in the Heaven because hiding here, in their private paradise.

Because it makes sense, then, that Adam give you the official welcome to the family in paradise.

Because they make a delicious wine that goes like water, but are you up like tequila, and a spirit which, as its name indicates, it burns.

Because queimada enjoy doing and I laugh with the delivery of conxuro .

Because death is eaten and only here can have ham cutter and Pulpeiro also the best seafood in Europe.

Because Padrón peppers are a horny, and a bite and other non .

Because there witches.

Because it is green, flowers, plants, orchards, vineyards, go-go nature.

Because Miño duped me.

Because there
rabbits, sheep, goats, pigs, cows, chickens, etc, and dwarf playing with them.

For here the sun sets late, more than in the rest of the country .

But mostly because I feel like it.

* From yummy recipes have given us a couple of photos. If you like eating and cooking, you can not miss this website! You have until a cookbook free Galician:)