Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dunk Tank Building Plans

presumptuous, but united

Oscar Wilde said that "the working classes have no choice but to set a good example." And that's what today, May 15, 2011, has occurred in Spain: demonstration by a real democracy.

There are seven days for municipal elections and "we are not five or six" those who today have taken the streets of major cities in Spain to cheer "for a democracy real ".
For the first time, young people, called by social networks, independently and completely apolitical, we have gone through the most important routes to 50 cities are drums, organized, peaceful and with a smile drawn on our faces. Today we said "enough" with elegance, wisdom and commitment.

marches in general and Granada in particular have been developed with the intention of yelling those above that citizens "are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers." To the sound of percussion and samba, children, Students, young workers, adults and the elderly have shown that there are still forces and intelligence to curb market abuse: "We will not pay for your crisis" was heard repeatedly.

All together, regardless of race or ideology and in a way that at least made me feel proud, we heard the beginning of the manifesto written by the platform "real democracy as:" Some of us believe more liberal, others conservative. Some believers, some not. Some have well-defined ideology, others consider ourselves apolitical. But we are all concerned and outraged by the political, economic social and that we see around us. Through the corruption of politicians, businessmen, bankers and the helplessness of ordinary people. "

The public is outraged, and remember the reasons set in the document:

- The government should be of the people and their functions should be to "bring our voice to the institutions, facilitating the political participation of citizens through direct channels that provide the greatest benefit to the wider society , not to get rich and prosper at our expense ".

obsolete and unnatural "The current economic model" social machinery crashes into a spiral that consumes itself by enriching a few and is sinking into poverty and limited the rest. Until the collapse. "

- The will and purpose of the system is the accumulation of money, take precedence over efficiency and welfare of society. Wasting resources, destroying the planet, creating unemployment and unhappy consumers.

- Citizens are part of the cog in a machine designed to enrich a minority who does not know our needs. We are anonymous, but without us none of this would exist, as we move the world.

- If as a society learn not to trust our future to an abstract economic returns which never benefits the most, we can eliminate the abuses and shortcomings that we all suffer.

- Ethics Revolution is needed. We put money above human being and when we have to our service. We are people, not products on the market. I am not only what I buy, why they buy and who to buy it.

I leave, ending with a video of the moment granaĆ­na anecdotal progress. Although the tour ended at the Town Hall Square, the authorities stopped the protesters too soon crossing route for the procession of the Virgen del Rosario and some "anti system" (so named in most media conventional) starred in this scene:

The people are angry, definitely, but today proved he still remains attached. We all know that revolutions must come from those who eat all day, hence the guilt of many intellectuals who look the other way. But today defended us all. Only a brave people are able to get his longed to live in freedom and publicly reject the corruption and vice of their masters. Today in Spain in general and in Granada in particular, gave a clear message: the battle has begun.

Follow coverage on Twitter by clicking HERE
official website of "real democracy and" HERE


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