Almost a year after having placed the survey: Do you know the history and origin of the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses? , we have the first results. Which are shown below (Click image to enlarge):
The survey (which can be seen on one side of this blog) was intended to know if readers of this blog know the history and origin of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, for this, they made the following question:
You know the story and the origin of the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses?
In what could choose one of the following responses (next appears the number of responses for each of them and the corresponding%):
A) only described in the book 'Proclaimers' - [ 18 -> 12%]
B) I would know but me is allowed to analyze by other means - [9 -> 6%]
C) No, I never investigated - [13 -> 8%]
D) Yes, very disturbing - [53 -> 34%]
E) is the "Jehovah's organization" and is all I need to know - [62 -> 40%]
Total responses: [155 -> 100%]
responses proved to be consistent with the results of the first survey (click here to see ).
Randall Watters & Richard FreeMinds Baptist, once said:
And with the results of this survey, this is obvious, as those who know 'part' of the history of this organization, (compare the response A survey ) with numbers 2 and 4) represent only 12% and known only as described in the "specific books "of the organization.
Those who do are a little concerned or interested in the history of this organization, but they know this is forbidden (response B) represent only 6%, and know they are warned by organization to do so by "other means", ie literature written not by the organization (see paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 ).
On the other hand, who "never investigated" (response C ) also constitute a small fraction, 8%, compared with numeral 3 .
Those who do claim to know the "disturbing story" of this organization (D response), represent 34%, and if we conclude that those who know her recognize that this is "disturbing" that should serve to alert those who have not reached that point ( answers A, B, C and E ).
And finally, 40% said 'all you need to know' is that the Watchtower Society is "Jehovah's organization" (response E, compare with numerals and 1 3 ). A very even results over the previous survey (although this time, 'who say they are in truth' have lost 5%)
Pero no se preocupen, hay muchísima información en internet donde pueden aprender la historia y el origen de la religión de la Watchtower. Desde el siguiente enlace, pueden descargarla, leerla y aprenderla, por supuesto con muchas referencias que pueden encontrar en la propia literatura de la Sociedad:
Como bien dijo Leonard Chretien (un anterior anciano) refiriéndose a los líderes de la Sociedad Watchtower:
But this does not end here, because if their own literature is its greatest enemy, then it's their worst nightmare: Internet . Why?
For (1) they have no control over information that is becoming available, and (2) do not have a legitimate defense for what they and their predecessors have done.
So dear reader, the decision, is yours. But lack of information , can not claim that he was being cheated.
The survey (which can be seen on one side of this blog) was intended to know if readers of this blog know the history and origin of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, for this, they made the following question:
You know the story and the origin of the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses?
In what could choose one of the following responses (next appears the number of responses for each of them and the corresponding%):
A) only described in the book 'Proclaimers' - [ 18 -> 12%]
B) I would know but me is allowed to analyze by other means - [9 -> 6%]
C) No, I never investigated - [13 -> 8%]
D) Yes, very disturbing - [53 -> 34%]
E) is the "Jehovah's organization" and is all I need to know - [62 -> 40%]
Total responses: [155 -> 100%]
responses proved to be consistent with the results of the first survey (click here to see ).
Randall Watters & Richard FreeMinds Baptist, once said:
They [Governing Body] know that to dominate the [current /] future, they must have control over the past. How? Basically four ways:
[1] preventing the witness access to past mistakes or deceptions,
[2] altering its history,
[3] Hiding the past as irrelevant,
[4 ] really changing their own books!
And with the results of this survey, this is obvious, as those who know 'part' of the history of this organization, (compare the response A survey ) with numbers 2 and 4) represent only 12% and known only as described in the "specific books "of the organization.
Those who do are a little concerned or interested in the history of this organization, but they know this is forbidden (response B) represent only 6%, and know they are warned by organization to do so by "other means", ie literature written not by the organization (see paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 ).
On the other hand, who "never investigated" (response C ) also constitute a small fraction, 8%, compared with numeral 3 .
Those who do claim to know the "disturbing story" of this organization (D response), represent 34%, and if we conclude that those who know her recognize that this is "disturbing" that should serve to alert those who have not reached that point ( answers A, B, C and E ).
And finally, 40% said 'all you need to know' is that the Watchtower Society is "Jehovah's organization" (response E, compare with numerals and 1 3 ). A very even results over the previous survey (although this time, 'who say they are in truth' have lost 5%)
Pero no se preocupen, hay muchísima información en internet donde pueden aprender la historia y el origen de la religión de la Watchtower. Desde el siguiente enlace, pueden descargarla, leerla y aprenderla, por supuesto con muchas referencias que pueden encontrar en la propia literatura de la Sociedad:
Como bien dijo Leonard Chretien (un anterior anciano) refiriéndose a los líderes de la Sociedad Watchtower:
"Su más grande enemigo es su propia literatura".Y esto se debe a que su mayor enemigo tiene (1) todo lo que ellos han dicho y que no was true, and (2) all they have said to hide what they have said and that was not true.
But this does not end here, because if their own literature is its greatest enemy, then it's their worst nightmare: Internet . Why?
For (1) they have no control over information that is becoming available, and (2) do not have a legitimate defense for what they and their predecessors have done.
So dear reader, the decision, is yours. But lack of information , can not claim that he was being cheated.
Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because no learned, and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. (Isaiah 5:13, RV60)
God bless you.
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