Thursday, February 4, 2010


Is the Watchtower God's organization?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Watchtower Society was appointed to be "God's organization" in the spring of 1919, after inspecting in 1918 that this was complying with its duty to provide food at the proper time , pursuant to the Bible verse most important in the theology of the Watchtower-Matthew 24:45-47. The Governing Body, explains it this way:

When Jesus , Master, inspected this "slave" in 1918, saw that it was complying with its duty to provide the "meat in due season" so tastefully appointed him "over all his goods" (read Matthew 24:45-47).
- The Watchtower, January 15, 2008, pg. 24
This is the explanation more precise according to Jehovah's Witnesses and Body interprets and applies Goberante Matthew 24:45-47. But this is the only formal basis for his claim to be the "organization of the faithful and discreet slave" of God and "the only true religion" today.
Of course, the Witnesses say it's the only one currently being taught "the truth", but that has nothing to do, it is evident that Jesus did not have to make a decision in 1919 based on what the Society is teaching today.

The official website of the Watchtower, under the title "Jehovah's Witnesses: Who are they and do you think?" [1] listed forty-two of their beliefs (right or Bible verse included). But curiously the most important lesson , the only teaching you really need -known that "The Watchtower Society is God's organization" - is not mentioned . Why is that?

belief that knowing CAN

belief that knowing NEED

The Bible is the Word of God and the truth

Is the Watchtower Society organization

of God?

The Bible is more reliable than tradition

God's name is Jehovah

Christ is the Son of God and is inferior to him

Christ was God's first creation

Christ died on a tree, not a cross

Christ offered his life as a ransom for obedient people

With the sacrifice of Jesus was sufficient

Christ was raised from the dead as an immortal spirit

The presence of Christ is spiritual

We are now in 'end times'

The Kingdom in the hands of Christ will rule the earth with justice and peace

United produce best living conditions on Earth

Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated

God will destroy the system of things in the battle of Har-Magedon

The wicked will be annihilated forever

People God approves will receive eternal life

There is only one path that leads to life

Human death is due to the sin of Adam

The human soul ceases to exist at the time of death

Hell is mankind's common grave

Hope for dead is resurrection

Adamic death ends

Only a small herd of 144,000 people go to heaven to rule with Christ

The 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God

The new pact Spiritual Israel did

The congregation of Christ is built on it

The prayers should be directed only to Jehovah through Christ

should not be used religious images

spiritualism should be avoided

Satan is the invisible ruler of the world

The Christian should not participate in ecumenical movements

The Christian world must keep clear of

must obey human laws that do not conflict with God

blood into the body through the mouth or veins violates God's laws

must obey biblical laws on morality

The Sabbath law was given only to Israel and was abolished with the Mosaic Law

should not be a clerical class and special titles should be used

Man did not evolve; was created

God should be served following the example of Christ

Baptism by immersion symbolizes complete dedication to God

Christians give public testimony of biblical truth willingly

If you ask the Jehovah's Witnesses "Do you believe that the Watchtower Society is God's organization?", Surely you would answer "Yes." But if you ask "why do you think?", You will receive a variety of responses that are usually related to what society is teaching and doing today.

The reason why answer the question of the right column is the only thing that needs to be known is because all the other teachings of the Watchtower are dependent -not what the Bible says but what the "God's organization" actually says that the Bible says. This is evident by the willingness (or rather, requirements) that religious leaders are placed on the Jehovah's Witnesses to maintain its status of "approved partners" [2] within the congregation, so , its leaders can change what they believe the Bible times as they want and however they want, even if your new teaching is totally contradictory to previous teaching, or the "new light" is simply an "old light" that had been discarded.

Certainly there are some teachings that have not changed since 1919. These include the name of God is "Jehovah" that God is a Trinity, that Jesus is not God, the soul is immortal, that hell is not hot, that the dead are unconscious and that the Earth will be destroyed. But this proves nothing, since there were other religions that taught the same things before, during and after 1919. If these teachings of Jesus passed inspection, the other religions passed.

If the Watchtower Society really is the only organization God is using to teach mankind the truth about the Bible (which is what the Witnesses believe), then what we all need to do is believe everything shown in column the left, whether they realize it or not (which is what the Witnesses do).

Those who dare to investigate the history of this organization , lessons that were being supplied at the time who say that Jesus chose only the Watchtower Society (1874-1919), being taught "the truth" discover they were being deceived. Unfortunately, there are those who dare not investigate this food was being supplied at the time and prefer to believe the illusion that Watchtower Society is "God's organization ."
*** This article is
based on Chapters 2 and 3 of Don Cameron's book, "Captives of a Concept" (Captives of a Concept).

[2] The Watchtower of April 1, 1986, page 31.


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