Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bedwettingstore Discounts

The following article is from the blog Friend Jesus and prophecy. It is a wakeup call to realize what we are really serving Jesus.

A Commentary by Jack Kelley

A recent poll said half of practicing Christians believe that Jesus is not God or the Holy Spirit and Satan ever existed. Some small but significant percentages of people do not believe that Jesus lived a sinless life or that he is the only path to salvation. This has raised some questions about whether that means these people are not saved. I remember an article I wrote on this subject a few years ago and now, to answer these questions, I have updated and expanded. I think it can explain to you what to believe about Jesus be saved.

The Other Six

Ever suspicious while talking to someone, they both had a mutual friend? And then the more deepen the conversation you could tell they were describing two different people who have the same name? This also happens when discussing Jesus. The name is the same, but the descriptions vary widely. Over the years I've been collecting numerous descriptions of men who are called Jesus. Which of all known you?

First we have the Jesus of Judaism. He is known in Jewish writings as the illegitimate son of Miriam (Mary). He lived in the first century CE (they do not use BC) and brought to the main Jewish people into a cult. His followers were first called Netzerim (people in the branch) and then Christians. In his name the Jews have been persecuted for centuries without mercy. The Jews who admit to believing that He was their Messiah are generally considered by their families as they are dead. Jews do not believe in a second coming because they believe that there was a first coming.

Then there is the Jesus of Islam. He was a prophet and a teacher at the same level as Mohammed. Their role was to help prepare people for the great leader who came from Allah at the end of time to judge the world. He was born of a virgin but it was not the son of God because the Quran says "God neither begets nor was begotten." He did not die for the sins of the people because in Islam, salvation comes through good works. Not risen. Instead, during a time of confusion, God took him alive to heaven and someone else took his place to be crucified. He will return at the end of the era to defeat the Antichrist, to call all people to Islam and the world prepare for trial.

The Jesus of Mormonism is the spirit brother of Lucifer. Both are sons of a god, who once was a man with one of his many women. This Jesus was human as a result of the union between the god of Mormonism and a young Jewish maiden named Mary. Usually referred to as Savior but never Lord, despite being one of the sons of God, he is not god. If he determines that you have done everything it could to earn his own salvation but still lacks a bit, he kindly complete this difference is lacking in you. He will return at the end of the era, having protected his saints through of the great tribulation to establish his kingdom.

Jehovah's Witnesses also have a Jesus. He is a son of the Lord, but he is not God. Instead, he was a perfect man as Adam was originally. Before becoming a man he was the Archangel Michael, which Jehovah's Witnesses believe he was the first created by Jehovah. The mere belief in Jesus is not enough to save us, it is necessary that we become Jehovah's Witnesses, be baptized and obey the laws of God throughout our lives to prove we are worthy. His Jesus did not rise physically, but came back to life in the form of a spirit. He returned to Earth as a spirit in 1914 and will again be a physical being at Armageddon.

And then there's the Jesus of the liberal denominations. He is a man who lived in the first century and had an exemplary life full of kindness and grace that was almost like God. He will see that each person who is a member of one of these names are accepted into the sky, whether he is born again or not. Some supporters of liberal theology asserts that he will see that all those who were sincere in whatever religion they profess, will also come to heaven. In Most liberal denominations do not believe in the literal fulfillment of the events of the end of time. For many, the Second Coming happened to each person when she first believed in Jesus.

The New Age Jesus is actually one of the oldest. Originally appeared Century Gnosticism I. This Jesus was a man who like other 40 "ascended masters", says the key to knowledge (gnosis), which when you learn will bring the next phase of human evolution, spiritual growth will finally be peace on earth. He did not die for our sins because it is not necessary be saved.

You will find variations of these six themes in almost all major religions and cults today. It seems that everyone wants you to believe that they know a man named Jesus, despite having to redefine it to fit their beliefs.

The Real Jesus

But in addition, another man named Jesus. He is not a created being. Rather, He is our Creator. As Paul wrote in Colossians 1:16 , "Because by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created through him and for him " . He is no angel, nor is it a mere man, because He created them both. The Archangel Michael might have been the first created being, but if so, Jesus was who created it. And Lucifer may have many brothers, but if present, Jesus created them all well.

He is the Jesus of the Bible. He claimed to be God in human form (John 10:30, 14:9) . People who knew him agreed with him Paul taught the deity of Jesus in Colossians 1:15-16 . So did John (John 1:1-3) . The author of the Book of Hebrews also agreed (Hebrews 1:3) , and included a quotation from Psalm 45:6-7 which shows the same God speaking to Jesus as God (Hebrews 1:8) . And this is not just an idea of \u200b\u200bthe New Testament. In his prophecy of the birthplace of the Messiah, Micah said that He was an eternal being whose outputs were from the beginning, from the days of eternity. Literally before time and forever (Micah 5:2) . He is the eternal God.

This is where the true knowledge of Scripture is important to you, because to be all that the Bible says, Jesus had to be 100% man and 100% God. If He is not a man could not have been made like us in all aspects and suffer our temptations as stated Hebrews 2:17-18; He could not be our High Priest as he says Hebrews 4:14 - 15 , and neither could be our Redeemer because it could be our next of kin as required by Leviticus 25:47-48 and Paul explains in Romans 5:18-19. If He were not God could not be Lord of King David (Matthew 22:41-45) . He could not be without sin (Romans 3:20) and could not be our Savior (Mark 2:6-12, 1 Peter 1:18-21) .

Is This A Cult (Cult)?

There are three things that distinguish the Christian beliefs of one religion and orthodox theology. Cults deny the doctrine that salvation is by grace. One has to win a share of salvation they offer. They also deny the notion of punishment eternal sin. Everyone is going to some kind of heaven. And most importantly, deny the deity of Jesus. Show him as a great man and a role model, a great teacher, a prophet and even a social revolutionary, but certainly not as God.

The truth is that he was all that. But he was also much more than that. He was God in human form, but the Father abiding in the Son (Colossians 1:19) . Think that Jesus is like any other person apart from God is to reject the revealed truth concerning Him through His Word, and that puts you at risk of relying on the wrong Jesus for our eternal destiny. The Jesus of the Bible is the only one of the seven men named Jesus who can save you. Selah. 05/02/1909.



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