Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Average Bmi Data Female Women

had enough of wasting time!

humbly believe that it is time to explain to my colleagues, those who taught me during the year-long course on "Technology Information "to lay out a tipómetro" just went light on the wording "that the journalistic profession is not that. No, no, no. This is something else.

Luckily, ironies the destination, my belief in the positive energy or are you to say, four months ago that I met Media 1001, convinced the team of journalists and hyperactive that dusted my vocation. Four months ago I learned that, as my teacher says @ juanlarzabal , the ideologue of this whole mess, is in the unemployment line or not, now I can always do journalism. Capitalized.

Many heck you ask me what I do, nobody understands anything and I think that until a few days, not me. Well here's the explanation, exemplified and documented of what I do for those who pay me and for those who do not. And above all, why I think that now, I'll always live for this "sucks" the profession than me at least, if I remove, I cut in half.


1. Journalist specializing in the Last Hour + Internet in real time: this is just the philosophy of the late channel CNN + "is going on, we're counting" disguised as tools 2.0. Simple! An example: it 10 minutes, put on its cover public news of an attack in Jerusalem . What's happening at Twitter?, For what will happen? What they are telling you!

2. New audiovisual and multimedia narratives: the ability to tell a story with images and sound. Join the previous concept: it is happening and you are seeing and hearing that I, a journalist specializing in all this madness, I'm recording with my phone and I'm uploading to the Internet thanks to my flat rate offer, which is certainly not I activated it. This video, for example, was posted on YouTube less than an hour (and forgive the morbid story that I happened to choose, but it was the most current):

3. Social Web distribution, dissemination of what is going through pictures and videos on social networks, primarily in Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Flickr. By facilitating and name them the most common.

This becomes, in the essential crux of the matter, the "new made" a journalist with features Community Manager, I translate it is: a person responsible for creating, manage and stimulate a community of Internet users. Applied to journalism: tell what is happening in social networking. There. Full stop. That's what I do, by necessity and for pleasure.

Why did I continue to be a journalist but I can not eat it? Because I have this blog. Independent Culture is my space, is like my home. If you come to Granada to see me be sure you share everything with you. I'll make a good meal, we open some wine, music and I'll show you my precious little things. If you go into my blog will share with you my knowledge (and always with standard journalistic quality), my essential albums, my concerns and in short, anything that holds my head. And I are visiting from China, from India, from Colombia, from Senegal or from Canada! And to have been around this great journalists who listened when I was in school!

is the same, colleagues, my house, but no locks. What I know is for you. If you know something, tell me. Create and disseminate content elegantly funky. We are journalists and there are no excuses. No political trends, business interests or impositions that are worth. In your blog I'm in command, as in your home. Your conscience is always clean and always shared your passions. How beautiful!

but after being told all this in his pajamas and slippers, that's why I'm home, I recommend asoméis the hills to some friends of mine, those that I squatted for four months and I do not moved. Revolution and Evolution! It is well to waste time, hey!

- Juanjo Ibáñez or @ Bomarzo , who is confident and inspires me.

- César Calderón or @ CesarCalderon , which got me in some way, so the eternal intern.

- Enrique Meneses or @ emenesesm , for which I have no words.

- Alvaro Bohorquez or @ blogdebori , the public did my antics with the Lord Alhambra.

- Carmen Ibáñez @ carmenciti , which earned my respect as a cigarette lasts Village.

- Paco Nadal or @ paconadal , which inspired my first blog three years ago and I still imitating

would continue and would not stop, because it is not fair. But these are indispensable. And close at all with the link to a wonderful post entitled Media 1001 "Huesconsin. The change Social Networking news coverage" explains, far better than I, what the heck it means to be a journalist 2.0 To print!

to send!


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