The living room windows are open and they enter the air thick and dense, humid hot days of summer . It's Friday and the air brings I get the voice of the imam who calls the faithful to prayer. It is sweet and does not seem at all aggressive or tax, it's almost music, a quiet melody and slow, as the father of a friend.
With this heat is what I want to be on the beach, like so many others are in the Mediterranean. I'd settle for being in Latakia, also Mediterranean coastal city, and one of the most liberal in Syria, where a huge percentage of the population is Christian. I am invited to a wedding there in August, but the wedding party I was Muslim, and in full Ramadan .... Can you imagine?
Well, it's the opposite of what you've imagined what I expected. Nor will there be gender segregation, nor do I have to dress conservatively (in fact I have said that the shorter the dress, I'll be more in line with the rest), of course not to fast, and on top of alcohol be for those who wish to do so , that is, for almost everyone. A wedding is Alawite, a branch of Islam more open and gives the impression that for them religion is more a question that remains between you and God, not a social obligation .
And it seems that whenever we put all Muslims in the same boat, and is as unfair as putting all Christians in another. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and a very long list can have a common basis, Jesus, as do Muslims, Mohamed, but Shiites, Sunnis, Alawite and other so on are very different from each other. Maybe when I have clear all differences and origins dares me to explain here, but so far do not control the issue and do not want to write crap. If someone can tell us is encouraged in the comments =)
air thick and hot, I entered the room of my colleague, who has two travel days, and the thermometer reads 36C. I turned the air conditioning because they want to play the Wii later, I returned to my room and read a while. Suddenly the light is gone and 15 minutes later the heat is already unbearable. I thought the explanation he gave me an engineer to blackouts increasingly common during the summer, and not only that demand increases dramatically with the heat (air conditioning, refrigerators, refrigeration factories etc.) but also when it produces less heat energy. So if an increase in demand reduction amounts in production, you're like me, like a chicken roasted in your apartment.
Then I thought maybe a shower would relieve the heat, and also won back some time while the light, but my happiness in a hole, water comes out so hot that not only me would cool, but I almost burned. And much chance can only have one thing in common ... A week ago we learned that not only there but also power outages of water, but of these we had not noticed because all the buildings have "reservations." The better the area where you live, the more water will be stored at home and is unlikely to run out. And that's when I realized that those red plastic barrels I see on the roofs of all houses absolutely keep water Damascus I speak now.

water cuts appear to be very common, and there are trucks that roam residential neighborhoods a few times a week to fill barrels / tanks. So these barrels are on the roof in full sun, and today it was about 45C, so that the water is burning and so it's like out of my tap. But as my mother says, is better to have hot and cold is not the reverse.
So I decided to leave home and venture into the empty streets on a Friday evening in Damascus. I know that with the fall of the sun will start to leave people in the streets, and dinner restaurants are filled to overflowing. Hopefully when I return and I have light, and a chilly rosette spray.
* Photos taken by the elf
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