Nathan H. Knorr can be considered as a businessman, cold, with little personality and too little concerned with the problems of others. He had little patience, and ruled in an authoritarian manner. Knorr never considered himself a biblical expert, his strength came from writing rules for Jehovah's Witnesses walk.
Rutherford was characterized for being a public figure of tremendous authority, Knorr was exactly the opposite. He was not a speaker, let alone a great writer.
The structure of the organization that had given Rutherford continued basically remain the same, although some adjustments had to be made, Knorr delegated some responsibilities and that the circumstances were this was a necessity due to the number of members who were growing. The changes were mostly in the area of \u200b\u200bdoctrine and new rules to remain a "Christian approved" were imposed, although some were contradictory to the previous position, despite this, many of them are still in force to date. Let us see the 'truth' during Knorr's presidency (1942-1977):
- It should not be adoring Jesus ( The Watch Tower, January 1, 1954, pg. 31, 15 May 1954, p. . 317-319 both in English)
- publications and articles are not signed by the author, from then until today days, are published as the product of the corporation, ie, as a whole. This is probably because Knorr was neither an orator nor a writer as were his predecessors.
- The Second Coming or Invisible Presence of Christ passed from 1874 to 1914 ( book "The thousand-year kingdom of God is at hand", pg. 210, paragraphs 54 and 55 ).
- The "apostasy" and "sexual sins" are now the enemies in the consciousness of the Witnesses.
- The "generation" of Matthew 24:34 are those of the generation of 1914 and remember the events of that year. ( The Watchtower, July 1, 1951, pg. 404, paragraph 11 in English, Awake, April 8, 1969, pp. 13-14).
- The "holy spirit" returns to operate and has not stopped working. ( Book: Holy Spirit ... The force behind the new order to come!, 1976. 148, paragraph 22 )
- Used the expulsion. There are not even say hello to anyone who is expelled. Should be avoided. ( The Watch Tower, March 1, 1952, p. 141. English)
- Those expelled are not to be treated with unnecessary cruelty, especially family members of one or those in obvious situations of injustice, we should help. ( The Watchtower, December 15, 1974, pg. 758)
- vaccines no longer a "direct violation of the laws of God, and are now a matter of personal choice, as it seemed to be no prohibition in the scriptures. (C arta of the Watchtower Society, dated April 15, 1952 ).
- Since 1945, taking a blood transfusion becomes a violation of the laws of God, but still, they were expelled Witnesses accept a blood transfusion (defined as a matter of conscience) even when these are considered a pagan act and dishonorable to God ( The Watch Tower, July 1, 1945, pp. 198-201; Proclaimers, pg. 183-184).
- Since 1961, receiving a blood transfusion is a serious fault and is no longer a matter of individual conscience, who received a transfusion and does not repent, he must be expelled. ( The Watchtower, July 1, 1961, pg. 414-415; Proclaimers page. 183-184).
- Any fraction of blood should be considered as nutritious food and should not be used in medical treatment. ( The Watchtower, March 1, 1975, pg. 159-160).
- Donate organs for transplantation is allowed according to the opinion of consciousness oneself. ( The Watchtower, December 1, 1961, pg. 734).
- Organ transplantation is considered a form of cannibalism and should be avoided. ( The Watchtower, April 15, 1968, pp. 254-255)
- is recognized that blood transfusion is essentially an organ transplant. ( Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood, 1977, pg. 40, para. 111).
- appears the figure of 'Governing Body' which represents the class of "faithful and discreet slave." '( The Watchtower, July 1, 1971, pg. 397, para. 26 )
- During the presidency Knorr, the term "Governing Body" began to be used much more frequently.
- was allowed to use the King James as the official Bible, and used a translation created by members of the organization, other Bibles (including the King James, who used for over 70 years) is now rejected because " has too many errors "( Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, 1971, pg. 160 )
- Armageddon was announced for the" critical year of 1975 "(" Life Everlasting in Freedom of the sons of God ", 1966 pg. 26-30, 35; Awake! (Awake!) on 8 October 1968, pg. 14 (in English), The Watchtower, January 1, 1969, pg. 14, 19, 33,35,36 paragraph, "Ministry of the Kingdom", July 1974, pg. 3, The Watchtower, March 1, 1975, pg. 156).
- The Watchtower and Awake! were sold at a price of $ 0.05 on the dollar, and the rest of the literature which could be acquired by buying it. ( Proclaimers, pg. 348, see the "Ads" Our Kingdom Ministry before 1990).
- Since 1972, the price of magazines is modified, the annual subscription for each journal is $ 1.50 dollar or equivalent. ( Our Kingdom Ministry, March 1972, p. 7. )
- The "higher authorities" of Romans 13:1 refers to governments which are ordained by God. ( The Watchtower, June 15, 1964, pg. 357, "Babylon the Great has fallen!", "1972, pg. 548 - in English. NOTE: The Watchtower admits that this change of doctrine, it killed Many Jehovah's Witnesses, see The Watchtower, November 15, 1950, pg. English 441.)
- The 'Higher powers' refers to secular governments. (P. 1975 Yearbook . 238)
- The men of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected ( The Watchtower, June 1, 1952, pg. 338, November 15, 1955, pg. 676 both in English)
- The men of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected YES ( The Watchtower, July 1, 1965, p. 407.408 ).
- The men of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected ( The Watchtower, November 15, 1967, pg. 697, paragraph 16; Book Babylon, 1972, pg. 210, para. 43 ).
- The men of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected YES ( "This Life", 1974, pg. 183.184; Awake, April 22, 1975, p. 20. ).
- A Knorr's death, the organization had grown from 108,000 members to more than 2 million members loyal to the organization worldwide. ( "Crisis of Conscience," p. 67. )
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