¿Puede demostrar, utilizando las Sagradas Escrituras, que el Reino Mesiánico fue establecido en 1914, que Jesus won the Full Legal Right to become King this year, and that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914, and that the "last days" began that year?
- There encyclopedia or history book or book of archeology who has ever mentioned that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 607 a.EC. All encyclopedias, history books and books on archeology that I've seen say this happened in the year 586/587 a.EC. What evidence or proof you have that has happened in 607 BCE
- If all historians and archaeologists are WRONG about 607 a.EC., then how do we know they are right on any other date as the Watchtower Society used in publications, such as the year that Cyrus rescued Jews.
- WHY we start counting when Jerusalem was destroyed? Where Chapter 4 of Daniel says that the prophecy of the Great Tree begins when Jerusalem was destroyed?
- WHY should we interpret a "day" as a "year" ONLY IN THIS CHAPTER OF DANIEL? If "a day for a year" is really a rule in Prophecy Bible, why do not we apply it to all the prophecies of Daniel? Or all prophecies throughout the Bible?
- Do Jehovah's Witnesses apply the Rule of "a day for a year" to "42 months", the "1,335 days", or any other Bible prophecy?
- Daniel Chapter 4 is about the king Nebuchadnezzar (The Great Tree) being cut in seven literal years. Then he will be restored as King. That is the ONLY compliance with the Bible speaks. Can you show me, using the Scriptures, what is the evidence or proof that this is another fulfillment?
- Where the Bible says in Luke 21:24 that Jerusalem represents "typical kingdom of God through this organization theocratic in the earth '? Why could not Jerusalem in Luke 21:24 simply mean the city of Jerusalem, the city today?
- How Jehovah's Witnesses spend being mad Nebuchadnezzar for seven years to the coming of Jesus became King in 1914? That's the big question to all Jehovah's Witnesses. Any religious organization and its teachings are based on this!
- Where does the Bible say that Jesus would have the legal right to govern only when the appointed time for the nations was fulfilled?
- How is it that Jesus did not have the legal right, if he was the heir legal and legitimate King David?
- addition, after His Death, Resurrection and Ascension, the New Testament describes Jesus as being already the king, and Jesus himself said: "All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth." So if any authority had been given to Jesus in the year 33 AD, then how could be given more authority than that given to it in 1914 CE?
- They are aware that Charles Taze Russell used the pyramids in Egypt to help calculate and confirm the year 1914?
- Did you know that at the end of the 1800 Russell and his associates were preaching to them would be raptured to Heaven in 1914 and that Armageddon would probably occur just after that?
- Are you aware that at the end of 1800 Russell and his associates were teaching that Jesus had returned invisibly in 1874!?
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